
Learn to Meditation and Discover the Benefits!
Are you new to meditation, and looking to learn how to meditate? Or a lifelong meditator looking to deepen your current practice or approach your practice from a new perspective?

Osho Universal is now offering a Meditation Mentoring Program.

In this one-on-one program, you will work directly with a Meditation Mentor, who will design a meditation program, especially for you.

What is meditation? How do I get myself to meditate? How do I make meditation part of my everyday life? I have a beautiful meditation practice…how can I deepen it? This program can help to answer these questions and more, giving you a personal connection to the art of meditation

In this program you will, together with your mentor:

Explore the benefits and power of meditation.

Learn to deepen your experience of meditation.

Receive a personalized meditation plan, designed especially for you.

Learn how to establish and maintain a regular meditation practice.

Who is this for?

This program is for beginners and longtime meditators alike. It is perfect if you are starting out on the path of meditation and would like some guidance, support and suggestions, if you are stuck with your meditation routine and would like to explore new techniques, or if you would simply like to talk about it all. 

I have tried meditation, but I always fall asleep or become disinterested.

Meditation does not have to be boring…it can be fun! There are countless meditation techniques, from silent sitting (known as Vipassana) to active meditations (such as Dynamic), to Sufi whirling, chanting mantras, and the list goes on and on. Osho even had a “smoking meditation”. This is why personalized support can be so helpful, with a trained meditation instructor who can work with you to understand your personality and your goals and can recommend the right “way in” for you.

How can it be helpful to talk about meditation?

For a new meditator, talking with a mentor can help to get you started with regular practice. It can otherwise be difficult to know where to begin, how to begin, and which type of meditation would work best for you and your personality. 

And for a long-term meditator, it can feel so nourishing to connect with other meditators and just explore the experience of meditation…the joys, the pitfalls, the challenges and the questions.

Which meditation practice would work best for me?

There are so many different ways to meditate. With all the opportunities available, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to where to begin. In this program, you will receive support in finding the right meditation…one which could work best for you…for who you are, where you are in life, and what you are looking for. 

Why should I meditate? What are the benefits of meditation?

Benefits of meditation include:

  • Reduction of stress, anxiety and tension.
  • Greater sense of relaxation
  • Feeling more connected to life.
  • Increasing self-awareness.
  • Being present in the moment.
  • Strengthening mental and emotional health.

The practice of meditation, or the inner journey, helps you to let go of the busyness of the mind, and the dramas of life, and experience yourself, and life, in a more peaceful, relaxed, joyful manner. The practice of meditation, or the inner journey, helps you to let go of the busyness of the mind, and the dramas of life, and experience yourself, and life, in a more peaceful, relaxed, joyful manner.

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